Risk Consulting

RSA’s global consulting team of specialist engineers provide support wherever you need it

RSA's global pool of expert risk managment consultants has a deep understanding of the specific risks associated with virtually every industry and commercial sector.

Our priority is proactive risk improvement to minimise large losses and keep your business running smoothly. We look for practical, cost-effective solutions to complement existing risk management.

We work with you to identify and assess risks to build a customised and comprehensive risk improvement programme for your business. By improving the nature of your risks, we can potentially reduce your insurance premiums.

Man wearing hardhat with clipboard

Our prevention approach:

  • Full surveys and audits
  • Property and business interruption assessment
  • Liability and machinery equipment inspection programmes
  • Project review
  • Post-loss risk evaluation
  • Business continuity management
  • Benchmarking

Risk Consulting bulletins

Covid-19: Risk Control Bulletin for Coronavirus Risk Consulting (French)

Risk consulting guidance: https://www.rsabroker.com/risk-control-guide-french (French)

Further risk consulting information: https://www.rsabroker.com/risk-management (English)

Our Tools and Services

RSA Business and Property Protection Portal

This website is powered by RISCAuthority’s extensive insurance and geographical data toolkits. It is designed to highlight the specific risks that affect different business organisation types and trades. It provides focussed asset-protection and business resilience risk management information from the simple input of your business type and country, drawing from multiple sources including RSA risk control advice and RISCAuthority technical guidance. Where available RSA Risk Control Guides and Bulletins will be delivered in your local language (otherwise in English language).

Click to access the Business and Property Protection Portal

View our video on RSAred - your risk dashboard here.


Delphine Peyron

Risk Consulting - France and Spain Team Leader

e: delphine.peyron@eu.rsagroup.com