The Gender Equality index is an indicator that was introduced thanks to the Law for the Freedom to Choose One's Professional Future, promulgated by the President of the Republic on 5 September, 2018.
The aim of this index is to measure professional inequalities between men and women and to enable corrective measures to be put in place within companies that have achieved our insufficient.
RSA France, the French branch of RSA Luxembourg S.A., therefore calculated its index for the year 2024 on the basis of 2023 data and obtained a score of 86/100 points.
This score was calculated according to 4 main criteria:
- Gender pay gap: 33/40
- Gap in the rate of pay rises between women and men: 35/35
- Percentage of female employees receiving a pay rise in the year following their return from maternity leave: this indicator cannot be calculated.
- Number of employees of the under-represented gender in the 10 highest paid: 5/10